Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • Blu101
    Oct 16, 12:35 PM
    This is another cool site with loads of HD wallpapers in different res.

    Awesome site!

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  • hasek3139
    Jun 28, 03:19 PM
    Im getting at my local att store at midnight. Yesterday they said they were getting a shipment in at 8am and 11am. They dont know definite numbers but they said more than last year and they got over 100 3gs last year :eek:

    me to my friends and i r gonna campout around midnight! 7 hours of waiting but the end result will be worth the wait!

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  • Cortezbanks
    Mar 14, 01:00 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    They're all worthless hackers
    I'm gonna make my own jailbreak

    Eta 2020

    This joke is funny and not over used at all. My favorite part is when you take a shot at the dev team and make your release date a long time away.
    Apparently you're one of those guys who believes that the dev team owes you a jailbreak. Honestly if I had one I'd troll all the people like you, who tell the dev team they suck and go ahead and use their jailbreak anyway.

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  • Counterfit
    Oct 26, 01:17 PM
    Oh how I wish it did :(


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  • nicname
    Apr 13, 11:30 PM
    love the slider's look, feel, and protection but hate the weight it adds and that its not the easiest of cases to slide in and out of my pocket.
    Anyone know any cases similar with a tight fit on the phone and protective enough like the slider but a little lighter?

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  • TastyCocoa
    Mar 25, 04:08 AM
    And just to add to that

    56.13 = 5*10^(1) + 6*10(0) + 1*10^(-1) + 3*10(-2)


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  • Consultant
    Jun 23, 11:18 PM
    Reston Town Center Queue, 1 hour ago

    Photo + Video

    I went by the store today to try and find out a rough number of how many non-reserved phones they would have. I couldn't get a number of course, the lady did say that the Reston Town Center security would run people off that were lined up before 5am. Not sure if that will really happen or just what they are told to tell customers.....the official answer.

    No, I doubt it.

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  • rye9
    Sep 28, 03:51 PM
    With all of these updates lately I feel 10.4.8 could be in a matter of minutes :)


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  • Fubar1977
    Feb 18, 12:27 PM
    This is useful stuff, thanks guys.
    I plan on putting a larger SSD in my Macbook Pro later this year and moving my current one into my 2010 mini, didn`t realise it was such an involved job :eek:

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  • bennetsaysargh
    Dec 21, 08:49 AM
    i think it's kinda odd to have a trailer for a website that has been over-hyped for a while, but whatever floats their boats i suppose.


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  • AirmanPika
    Jan 16, 09:00 PM
    OK we know apple supposedly has some kind of super secret planned for the Final Cut meet thats supposed to begin in a few minutes...

    Now, I'm going to make my own personal leap of logic here based on rumblings over the last few weeks.

    Touch screen tablet, newton 2, multitouch tablet.

    Now here we have final cut.

    Even though the product isn't exactly geared towards just that I can almost see some kind of Wacom Cintiq apple device. Multitouch gestures, pen input for graphics editing, tablet format. Basicly a handheld multimedia editing platform for pros. Maybe would need to link to a Mac Pro as it won't itself be able to process the graphics of an HD Video or something similarly intensive.

    Yea I know my head is in the clouds but it would be a fun toy.

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  • sam12345-2008
    May 3, 09:35 AM
    Is there any way I could delete the windows partition and have another shot at installing it?
    And is it best to download the support software, instead of relying on the disc?


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  • flipster
    May 5, 10:08 PM
    I hope so! The thing though is, is that I know they would give me the BTO iMac with the AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 512MB and I feel like the performance would be worse than the 8800GS. I like to play at native resolution too.

    So 2560x1440 on AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 512MB = ?????????


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 23, 07:10 PM
    Your answer helped. So now I know that <**> are only for system provided classes.

    Actually, <include.h> is for headers that are found in the -I include paths specified in the CFLAGS var usually with make. You could add -I/path/to/your/headers to your GCC command line and then #include <yourheader.h> just like any other "system" include. #include "yourheader.h" includes headers either with an absolute or relative path to the current working directory of the compiler, which when using a make based system, happens to be your source directory.

    Just some extra info there for you.


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  • SuAndMac
    Mar 4, 09:56 PM
    Yeah - I must have done something stupid - I really can't think how I did it though. I am usually really careful and have been doing this job for over 15 years - but maybe the long hours are taking their toll.
    Thanks for the help - me having a panic attack doesn't get the job finished. I guess I'll just have to try to work out what went wrong and make sure it doesn't happen again.
    On that note - can you guys recommend a good backup system (seperate from my hard drive)? It needs to be BIG - my current job folder is 16gb - lots of photoshop files etc. And I need to be able to back up/replace after each major change or at the end of the day.

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 5, 07:30 PM
    who cares how many question marks are in the odd thread????

    I vote for immediate deletion of completely useless threads ... forget wasteland ... just delete them. :cool:


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  • kalsta
    Mar 23, 06:39 AM
    This Flash ad obscures screen when accidentally rolled over.

    Clicking on logo links to:

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  • Dagless
    Apr 8, 07:00 PM
    There have been Wii's they just sell out fast :o

    Pre-orders don't always work out either. We had one down from September, system launched in December and we had no idea where on the queue we were. So we luckily snatched one from my local Argos (they get 8-15 units every Thursday night) after putting an order on Wednesday.
    I've noticed they start selling out as soon as a new game hits. I managed to get one in January, a friend of mine got his not long after. Then out came a few games and they were sold out again :( my girlfriend accumulated 3 of them... then out popped a few more games.

    Good luck in hunting for one. There's a lot of demand for that little white box :)

    I really hope the shortage doesn't last much longer, this may just end up being the longest one in history for game consoles :/

    I believe the 360 was sold out here for 3 months, the PSP for 1 month. Wii is up to 5, certainly a modern day record.

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  • diorio
    Dec 20, 03:34 PM
    Good idea in making this forum arn. Now general mac discussion won't be littered with "why should I switch" or things like that.

    Oct 27, 06:12 PM
    I was gonna say you'd be a pretty sad bastard to go for a shirt only, but I'm sure if your buying something else and explain your situation, they'll oblige you.

    Common... you could say that about any launch event. Why que when you could just go the next day... the fun is in being around like minded people.

    Feb 7, 03:14 PM
    Its gone sorry didn't know it was a bad thing to say.......

    By definition it is not necessarily a bad thing, but unfortunately on blogs and forum threads it is used as a derogative comment.

    Some around the web define it as: A fan, short for fanatic and sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for a product. (ME!):))

    ....or Someone (normally male) who is utterly devoted to a single subject or hobby, often to the point where it is considered an obsession (again, ME!:o)

    Oct 24, 12:50 AM
    I still fold on my Radeon HD 4830. I'll be trying the SMP client under Windows later today.

    oh okay. i've only heard bad things about the SMP windows client though

    Oct 22, 07:51 AM
    The Apple Store here is closing from 4-6 to get ready for the Leopard release. I can't see what they need 2 hours to get ready for.:confused:

    During the iPhone launch, we had some hands-on and a meeting also.

    Sep 8, 06:19 PM
    I don't care if I don't own my music, I still can listen to it whenever I want, what I do care about is my favorite artists getting a bigger bit of the cake when it comes to what I spend. Stick it to the recording studios... as long as the prices don't increase to compensate their greedy little pockets.

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